Government College of Engineering, Amravati.

Welcome to college fee payment portal. You can pay all types of fee online from this portal.

Ph. D. Fees


Select department to see the available payment options.

Pre Submission Defense Fee

Pre Submission Defense Fee For P.hD

Mechanical Engineering

Admission Fee

Admission Fee For P.hd

Mechanical Engineering

Tuition Fee For Course Work

Tuition Fee For Course Work For P.hD

Mechanical Engineering

Annual Research Laboratory / Field Work

Annual Research Laboratory / Field Work For P.hD

Mechanical Engineering

Library Fee

Library Fee For P.hD

Mechanical Engineering

Library Fee

Library Fee For P.hD

Civil Engineering

Annual Research Laboratory / Field Work

Annual Research Laboratory / Field Work For P.hD

Civil Engineering

Tuition Fee For Course Work

Tuition Fee For Course Work For P.hD

Civil Engineering

Pre Submission Defense Fee

Pre Submission Defense Fee For P.hD

Civil Engineering

Admission Fee

Admission Fee For P.hD

Civil Engineering

Admission Fee

Admission Fee For P.hD

Computer Science & Engineering

Annual Research Laboratory / Field Work

Annual Research Laboratory / Field Work For P.hD

Computer Science & Engineering

Tuition Fee for Course Work

Tuition Fee for Course Work For P.hD

Computer Science & Engineering

Library Fee

Library Fee For P.hD

Computer Science & Engineering

Pre Submission Defense Fee

Pre Submission Defense Fee For P.hD

Computer Science & Engineering

Admission Fee

Admission Fee For P.hD

Electrical Engineering

Tuition Fee for Course Work

Tuition Fee for Course Work For P.hD

Electrical Engineering

Library Fee

Library Fee For P.hD

Electrical Engineering

Annual Research Laboratory / Field Work

Annual Research Laboratory / Field Work For P.hD

Electrical Engineering

Pre Submission Defense Fee

Pre Submission Defense Fee For P.hD

Electrical Engineering

Admission Fee

Admission Fee For P.hD

Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Tuition Fee for Course Work

Tuition Fee for Course Work For P.hD

Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Library Fee

Library Fee For P.hD

Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Annual Research Laboratory / Field Work

Annual Research Laboratory / Field Work For P.hD

Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Pre Submission Defense Fee

Pre Submission Defense Fee For P.hD

Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Admission Fee

Admission Fee For P.hD

Information Technology

Tuition Fee for Course Work

Tuition Fee for Course Work

Information Technology

Annual Research Laboratory / Field Work

Annual Research Laboratory / Field Work For P.hD

Information Technology

Pre Submission Defense Fee

Pre Submission Defense Fee For P.hD

Information Technology

Library Fee

Library Fee For P.hD

Information Technology

Admission Fee

Admission Fee For P.hD

Instrumentation Engineering

Tuition Fee for Course Work

Tuition Fee for Course Work For P.hD

Instrumentation Engineering

Annual Research Laboratory / Field Work

Annual Research Laboratory / Field Work For P.hD

Instrumentation Engineering

Pre Submission Defense Fee

Pre Submission Defense Fee For P.hD

Instrumentation Engineering

Library Fee

Library Fee For P.hD

Instrumentation Engineering

Pre Submission Defense Fee

Pre Submission Defense Fee For P.hD

Physics Department

Annual Research Laboratory / Field Work

Annual Research Laboratory / Field Work For P.hD

Physics Department

Tuition Fee for Course Work

Tuition Fee for Course Work For P.hD

Physics Department

Admission Fee

Admission Fee For P.hD

Physics Department

Library Fee

Library Fee For P.hD

Physics Department

Admission Fee

Admission Fee For P.hD

Chemistry Department

Annual Research Laboratory / Field Work

Annual Research Laboratory / Field Work For P.hD

Chemistry Department

Tuition Fee for Course Work

Tuition Fee for Course Work For P.hD

Chemistry Department

Library Fee

Library Fee For P.hD

Chemistry Department

Pre Submission Defense Fee

Pre Submission Defense Fee For P.hD

Chemistry Department

Admission Fee

Admission Fee For P.hD

Mathematics Department

Tuition Fee for Course Work

Tuition Fee for Course Work For P.hD

Mathematics Department

Annual Research Laboratory / Field Work

Annual Research Laboratory / Field Work For P.hD

Mathematics Department

Library Fee

Library Fee For P.hD

Mathematics Department

Pre Submission Defense Fee

Pre Submission Defense Fee For P.hD

Mathematics Department